About our school
The chief aim of the school is to produce students of excellent calibre and good discipline by imparting moral education alongside secular education. The children who have passed through the portals of this institution are now men and women of repute occupying high positions in the society. It has served the students of the Pondicherry State with zeal for the past sixty years. It is now a matter of pride that your ward becomes one of the gems this institution houses.

About our Principal
Our Principal Dr.Spurgeon Sugumar.M, is very focused on academic with discipline.
“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” says Solomon the wise. You have made a correct choice in bringing your children to this institution, where they are trained to acquire wisdom by gaining knowledge of the Almighty. The chief aim of the school is to produce students of excellent calibre and good discipline by imparting moral education alongside secular education. The children who have passed through the portals of this institution are now men and women of repute occupying high positions in the society. It has served the students of the Pondicherry State with zeal for the past sixty years. It is now a matter of pride that your ward becomes one of the gems this institution houses.”

About our Teachers
Process of peer review carried out by our staff members of a disciplinary and professional community who share,discuss, review and compare student work in order to reach a shared understanding of our academic standard